Top Tip Thursday: Communicate more effectively by Microsoft Editor

Published: 16 December 2021
Published: 16 December 2021

Available on Word, Outlook, and as a browser extension, Microsoft Editor strengthens your spelling, grammar, and tone. Apart from checking the basics such as capitalisation and punctuation errors, Microsoft Editor goes beyond by analysing your text’s clarity, conciseness, and formality and is available in more than 20 different languages.

The feature is disabled by default, so you need to enable it yourself. To do so, you need to:

  1. Download the Microsoft Editor: Spelling & Grammar Checker extension onto your browser from the web store
  2. Once downloaded, the icon should appear on the toolbar. Click the icon and sign in to your Microsoft account.
  3. Click the icon again to change the settings. The spelling, grammar, and refinements options will be turned on by default.
  4. To refine the settings, click the settings icon where you will be directed to a page with more filters. 

Some of the filters that are included are resume, sensitive geopolitical references, and inclusiveness which you can further filter for (i.e. to avoid vague quantifiers in your resume or suggest gender-neutral pronouns in an email).

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